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Chocolate+Vanilla Holiday Sablés

Chocolate+Vanilla Holiday Sablés

These chocolate and vanilla sablés feature contrasting cutouts in festive shapes. To me, they’re the holy grail of holiday cookies: both pretty and absolutely delicious.

My Favorite Blood Orange Upside Down Cake

My Favorite Blood Orange Upside Down Cake

Winter, with all its cold and dreariness, is probably my least favorite season, but the appearance of blood oranges in the markets is one of its redeeming features. I buy them in bulk, impulsively, generally without a plan for how exactly I will use them. 

Small Batch Banana Sweet Rolls with Nutella

Small Batch Banana Sweet Rolls with Nutella

Give me a yeast bread over a quick bread any day. These rolls were created on a whim when I was looking for a new way to use up some of the overripe bananas that seem to inevitably accumulate on my counter. Google led me 

Low Effort, High Reward Cooking, and a Savory Biscuit Template

Low Effort, High Reward Cooking, and a Savory Biscuit Template

People often assume that I cook as much as I bake. In fact, there’s an inverse relationship between my cooking and baking. As I’ve devoted more and more of my free time to baking, I rarely have had the time or energy to do much 

Sourdough Discard Loaf with Cornmeal, Cheddar, and Jalapeno

Sourdough Discard Loaf with Cornmeal, Cheddar, and Jalapeno

Decades ago, I spent a summer working at bread bakery in my hometown of Austin, Texas. Among the breads they offered was a “corn bread”–not, mind you, a baking powder-leavened quick bread, but a yeasted loaf made with cornmeal. The memory of that bread got 

Orange Blossom Shortbread Cookies with Edible Flowers

Orange Blossom Shortbread Cookies with Edible Flowers

I first made these orange blossom shortbread cookies last year, when my obsession with incorporating edible flowers into my baking was just beginning. A random internet search led to a recipe that looked promising. In my memory, that recipe was a recipe for “orange blossom 

Purple Sweet Potato Mini Cheesecake

Purple Sweet Potato Mini Cheesecake

Another Passover-friendly recipe? Why not. My baking obsessions include finding ways to incorporate brilliantly hued fruits and vegetables into pastries. I can’t resist rhubarb, blood oranges, blackberries, red currants, and, most recently, purple sweet potatoes. I’ve done a purple sweet potato pie and, in the 

Halva + Tahini “Forgotten Cookies”

Halva + Tahini “Forgotten Cookies”

Passover desserts generally come down to eggs: separated and whipped into a frenzy for sponge cake; blended with coconut or almond flour for macaroons; or beaten with sugar for meringues. These “cookies” are, basically, meringues. They’re adapted from a recipe by one of my baking 

Chocolate Chunk, Rye, and Hazelnut Praline Cookies

Chocolate Chunk, Rye, and Hazelnut Praline Cookies

There are a few baking bloggers who consistently inspire me with interesting flavor profiles and genius twists on classic pastries. Claudia Brick is one whom I’ve mentioned before, and whose brioche scrolls inspired one of the first recipes on this blog. She also has a 

Milk Bread Doughnuts with Yuzu Cream

Milk Bread Doughnuts with Yuzu Cream

Confession: I had the vision for these doughnuts before I had ever made a loaf of milk bread. However, once I finally got around to trying the recipe in Cynthia Chen McTernan’s wonderful cookbook, A Common Table, it confirmed my instinct that the dough had